WE are now about to enter upon an examination of the greatest of all the operations of Nature—we are about to discourse to man upon his aliments,[1] and to compel him to admit that he is ignorant by what means he exists. And let no one, misled by the apparent triviality of the names which we shall have to employ, regard this subject as one that is frivolous or contemptible: for we shall here have to set forth the state of peace or of war which exists between the various departments of Nature, the hatreds or friendships which are maintained by objects dumb and destitute of sense, and all, too, created—a wonderful subject for our contemplation!—for the sake of man alone. To these states, known to the Greeks by the respective appellations "sympathia" and "antipathia," we are indebted for the first principles[2] of all things; for hence it is that water has the property of extinguishing fire, that the sun absorbs water, that the moon produces it, and that each of those heavenly bodies is from time to time eclipsed by the other.
Hence it is, too, descending from the contemplation of a
loftier sphere, that the loadstone[3] possesses the property of at-
1. after the present
one, and that on changing his plan he may have neglected to alter the present passage. From his mention, however, of man's "ignorance by what
means he exists," it is not improbable that he may have considered that
the nutritive qualities of plants are really based upon their medicinal vir-
tues, a point of view little regarded by the majority of mankind in his
time, but considered by Pliny to be the true key to a just appreciation of
their utility.